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Activity & Exercise

Being physically prepared for surgery sets you up for a better outcome.


By being more active you can expect the following benefits:
  • Reduced pain

  • Increased range of joint movement

  • Increased strength and endurance

  • A faster and a less complicated recovery

  • A sense of wellbeing


Exercise advice is available through various health professionals including Physiotherapists and Accredited Exercise Physiologists. These health professionals will provide you with information that is tailored to your condition and will assist you in identifying the right activities for you. This website also provides a range of valuable resources.

To ensure you get the most out of an exercise program, the best time to start is as soon as you are referred for surgery. However, even if your surgery is fast approaching, there are still benefits in participating in shorter programs. 

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CALHN PreHab aims to help health consumers who require surgery to access reliable, evidence-based information to help prepare for surgery. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
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